We are dedicated to providing compassionate and cutting-edge medicine
Established in 2002, CLEAR Center of Health is dedicated to providing cutting-edge medicine, offering the best of Western Medicine in conjunction with Naturopathic, Functional, European Biological and the latest advances coming out of Unified Field Medicine. Rather than merely treating symptoms, we search for the underlying causes of disease using a variety of advanced diagnostic tools. Once these underlying factors are discovered, we create individually tailored protocols for each patient designed to clear the impediments to health and support the body in its natural ability to heal using a range of traditional and trailblazing therapies.
Guided by the clear and visionary focus of Founder and Medical Director, Beth McDougall, MD, we have a dynamic, collaborative team of practitioners who support all aspects of a person’s healing process. We empower patients with greater self-awareness, tools, and information to make life choices that promote optimal health.
We are committed to seeing people through their passage from illness to health to vibrancy.
At CLEAR Center of Health, Inc. our mission is:
To transform the practice of medicine.
At CLEAR, we respect the uniqueness of each individual and aim to empower every person with the ability to obtain optimal health through compassionate collaboration, individualized integrative therapies, and exceptional service.

We are a collaborative team of practitioners that support all aspects of a person’s healing process.
Established in 2002, CLEAR Center of Health is dedicated to providing cutting-edge medicine, offering the best of Western Medicine in conjunction with Naturopathic, Functional, European Biological and the latest advances coming out of Unified Field Medicine. Rather than merely treating symptoms, we search for the underlying causes of disease using a variety of advanced diagnostic tools. Once these underlying factors are discovered, we create individually tailored protocols for each patient designed to clear the impediments to health and support the body in its natural ability to heal using a range of traditional and trailblazing therapies.
Patient Centered Medicine
Our vision is for you to reach your highest potential.
The CLEAR team shares a reverence for the exquisite intelligence of the body and for our innate ability to heal if interference is identified and removed, and the needed support is provided.
We believe in treating the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. True health is more than just the absence of disease. True health means bringing your body back to its pristine blueprint — a state of alignment where all of your systems are functioning optimally so you can flourish and thrive.
Using leading edge therapies and healing modalities, as well as the newest innovations in product development and technologies, the CLEAR team creates individually tailored protocols to help people heal at deeper and more fundamental levels.
Our ability to identify and clear the impediments to achieving optimal health has earned us a reputation as physicians known for getting results.

Founder and Medical Director, Beth McDougall, MD
“We have a dynamic, collaborative team of practitioners who support all aspects of a person’s healing process. We empower patients with greater self-awareness, tools, and information to make life choices that promote optimal health.”
Our Specialties
Integrative & Functional Medicine
Ayurvedic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine
Longevity Medicine
Neurodegenerative Disease
Chronic Illness
Lyme and Infectious Disease
Hormonal Imbalance
Bio-Identical Hormones
Autoimmune Conditions
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Integrative Oncology Support
Personalized Nutrition
Weight & Metabolism Concerns
Bioresonance Analysis of Health (BAH)
Integrative Psychology