Bioidentical Hormones and Longevity Medicine
In sharp contrast to synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are exactly the same molecules that our own body makes. Because our bodies have evolved with these, they bind properly at the receptor sights, have no side effects when dosed properly, and are metabolized and cleared more effectively.
CLEAR physicians are known for bioidentical hormone balancing. We pay attention to subtlety and focus on the balance of all of the hormones. We are not interested in maintaining people’s hormones at the levels they enjoyed in their 20’s for the rest of their life. Instead, we respect the changing hormonal terrain as people age. Our goal is to optimize hormones for each unique stage of life. We feel this approach encourages the healthiest aging and is safe for a lifetime.
The key is balance. Dr. McDougall developed the CLEAR protocol which involves balancing the adrenals, thyroid, and sex steroid hormones. When the balance of all hormones is taken into account, smaller doses of any one hormone can be used to achieve optimal results.
Hormone balancing is an important part of most patients’ protocol. Hormones modulate the immune system, are anti-inflammatory, and improve stress resilience. Many patients dealing with chronic health conditions suffer from adrenal depletion and hormone deficiencies. Prior to coming to CLEAR, patients symptoms stemming from these deficiencies are often mistakenly attributed to their underlying illness. The CLEAR physicians find that balancing patients’ hormones can be like “clearing out the background noise,” so we can focus on their underlying underlying issues.