Bioresonance Analysis of Health (BAH)
Bioresonance Analysis of Health (BAH) is a process where a patient is tested with an energetic instrument, well known in the field of physics, called a Lecher Antenna. The pioneer who developed BAH, Thomas Szulc, MD., says, “BAH is like having a truthful conversation with your body’s intelligence.”
BAH allows your doctor to take a broad look at the underlying issues affecting your health including emotional stress, energetic imbalances, heavy metals, solvent toxicity, allergies, infections, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, dental pathology, and environmental factors. This testing allows your body’s innate intelligence to inform the design of an in-depth, uniquely tailored protocol.
The protocol may include oral and intravenous support for detoxification, replenishment of deficient nutrients, hormone balancing, and if warranted, treatment of infections with oral or intravenous methods.
In the beginning, a patient may need to have their BAH redone frequently to refine their protocol and keep the conversation with the body current as issues are resolved.